@viewport { width: device-width; zoom: 1.1; min-zoom: 0.4; max-zoom: 2; user-zoom: fixed; } Michael Smith School Ball Photography Home Page



Pricing Commercial

Commercially two options are offered.

1. Hourly Rate
This rate is charged for shooting time only but built into it is the post processing work necessary for the job. Typically after a shoot the photos have to be downloaded, file named, loaded into a program such as Lightroom for adjustment to colour, exposure, cropping etc. They are then output and uploaded to the web for you to view and select from (or you may do so in front of the large screen at the studio). Final choices are given final tweaks in Photoshop and output as large files (or whatever you require), loaded to an FTP site for you our your designer / printer to download and use.
Post shoot processing can sometimes take three additional hours for every hour's shooting.

2. Fixed Quote
If you can clearly describe the job, what you want shot, what you want to end up with in terms of prints or files, then we are happy to give a fixed quote. This can be good if you are on a tight budget and for many jobs it works very well. Difficulties can arise if you want a particular effect in say, tethered shooting, and there is insufficient time to allow the full range of variations you may want to look at.
Generally quotes are fine for straightforward jobs that run to a precise time schedule.